
Color Ritz (1-6283) Demitasse (1-4058) Snow Beach (1-8110)

Inspired by the natural beauty and elegance of the Aspen tree line in her favorite ski resort, Rosemary created this calm and organically patterned rug. The combination of 85% silk with natural bleached nettle fabricated in 100 and 120-knots make this rug a truly luxurious addition to a bedroom or living room.  


  • Composition: 
    • Snow Beach & Ritz: 45% Wool / 45% Silk / 10% Nettle
    • Demitasse: 50% Silk / 40% Wool / 10% Nettle
    • Fontainebleau: 50% Silk / 50% Wool

  • Construction: 100 Knot for Demitasse and Fontainebleau 120 Knot for Ritz
  • Max Width: 24 feet

Standard sample size is 6"x 6". 
Please use our to request samples.